Category Archives: Kerygma

Mobile Marketing

Late last year, I got hold of the December 2012 – January 2013 issue of the magazine, Entrepreneur Philippines, from my sister. It’s quite a while that I haven’t purchased its back issues. I love Entrepreneur magazine just as I love Kerygma. I collect both for the former gives me guides and tips on how to be my own boss while the latter is my source of inspiration in the spiritual aspect.

Anyway, the latest issue of Entrepreneur Philippines features the trending business opportunities in 2013. One of these is Mobile Communication. Just take a look at your Facebook wall, local newspapers, and television ads. A lot of different types of smartphones and tablets are now available in the market with very affordable prices compared to the previous years where only a few can avail.


According to Mashable, a new study shows that Mobile Web will rule by 2015. People are now spending more time then ever on their mobile phones and this is a great opportunity for businesses to reach consumers using Mobile Marketing. This is what keeps me restless nowadays. Why? Because I believe that this recent trend will greatly benefit FilipinoVirtual Assistants. That this is the right time to evolve as a Virtual Assistant.

Sir Jomar Hilario’s latest post on his website is in line with this. The uprising demands for Virtual Assistants worldwide just pushes me to be more up to date with the latest trends in technology and what necessary skills are needed to compete with this new 409170_10150589011303382_659798381_9122771_460388664_nwave of opportunity, which some say is unlimited.

This is where my new journey starts and I want you to journey with me and let us evolve together as Filipino Virtual Assistants. In the coming weeks, I will be posting topics on tools, programs and websites which are useful in Mobile Marketing. Don’t forget to subscribe here to keep you updated with the latest trends that can benefit us, Filipino Virtual Assistants. Mabuhay tayong lahat! 🙂

photo credit: William Hook via photopin cc