Category Archives: Kaywa

How to Create QR Codes using Kaywa

The Evolving Virtual Assistant

Are you familiar with the image? Have you seen one of these in magazines? This is what you call a Quick Response (QR)  Code which is similar to barcode used by retailers to keep track of inventory. It originally came from Japan for their automotive industry. Presently, it has become more popular because of its fast readability and more storage capacity than the UPC barcodes.

In mobile marketing, it can be used for many purposes such as contact information and directions to your business, promotions, coupons and special offers, survey and feedback forms,  and provide details of products and services.

The image above is my very first QR Code for this blog site. I was so amazed of what I have done and made a tutorial on this. Check it below and start creating your own QR Codes.